Hazardous & Dangerous Waste
Environmental Compliance can advise you in every aspect of Hazardous and/or Dangerous Waste Management. Oregon and Washington law differ significantly from federal law, and from each other, in several material respects (perhaps most importantly in the definition of “hazardous” or “dangerous” waste.) Every generator of “secondary materials” that may meet any of the criteria of a hazardous or dangerous waste if disposed of has a non-delegable duty to make a hazardous waste determination (or, in Washington, to determine whether the material is “designated as” dangerous waste under the rules) and manage the material appropriately. Every treatment, storage or disposal facility (“TSDF”) must determine whether it must operate under a RCRA Subtitle C permit. Avoiding those regulatory decisions by simply defaulting to management of the material as a “hazardous waste” may seem expedient but can lead to serious complications down the road. Let us help you determine exactly how the hazardous and dangerous waste rules apply to your waste and your facility.